
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Home Made All Natural Bar Soap

Hi Everybody!  Welcome to the first Essentially Complete blog!
Today, I would like to share a recipe for home made, all natural bar soap that my friend, Tammy Oskey, shared with me. She got it from a book by Sandy Maine at Sunflower Soap.  I think this looks complicated.  I'm trying to talk her into making it and selling it to those of us who want the benefits but not so much work!  If you decide to make it, have fun!  Please comment below to let us know how it turns out. 

Basic Soap Recipe

Distilled water
Coconut oil
Olive oil
Sodium hydroxide (lye)
Fragrance oils/essential oils/botanicals

Put 12 oz lye into 32 oz cold water. (use plastic pitcher, dishwasher safe NOT glass. The lye water gets extremely hot and has been known to shatter glass). Do not inhale or get on skin. I mix it and leave it outside.

Put 24 oz coconut oil, mixed with 38 oz Crisco in metal kettle (stainless steel or enamel NOT aluminum). Melt over low heat. When melted, remove from heat and add 24 oz olive oil.
Get temperature ranges for both lye and oils to reach 95-98F. Use cold or warm water baths if needed.
While waiting, grease soap mold. (A plastic “Rubbermaid” container w/lid about the size of a shoebox is the right size.

When temps are right, pour lye slowly into oils, stirring constantly.

Stir for approx. 10 minutes until mixture becomes slightly thicker and creamier. (until you can trace a design on top by dribbling soap off the wooden spoon).

Add 45-50g of scents now.

If adding grains, dried herbs, or colorants, add now by removing 2 cups of soap mixture and whisking them in. Then add the 2 cups to the rest of the soap and stir.

Pour into soap mold and cover. Set in undisturbed, warm place and cover with many layers of blankets. Let sit undisturbed for 18 hours.

Uncover and let sit for 8-12 more hours.

Remove from mold and cut into bars.

Let cure for 3 weeks before using.

For more holistic, natural ideas, please visit our Facebook page at:
Thank you!

Update 12/6/12:  Tammy gave me a couple bar samples of this soap that she made.  I want more!  They smell so nice and lather up so well!  I might even have to break down and make it myself! 


  1. This looks like fun! Does the coconut oil add any scent?

  2. Hi Ronalee! I asked Tammy about this and here is her reply:
    "The coconut oil scent does not make it all the way through the soap making process. I have never bought an unscented bar of soap to “test” it, but all my “resources” and books say the scent does not carry through to the end product. Coconut oil has different phases to it, each with a different melting point. The phase of coconut oil commonly used in soap-making has a melting point of 76 or 92 degrees. Virgin coconut is the purest form of coconut oil and retains the natural coconut scent (but again not through the soap-making process) but is a better choice for lotions, creams, and lip balms."

  3. That's interesting. Clearly I have a lot to learn. Thanks for the info!

    1. You're welcome, Ronalee! The more I know, the more I know I have a lot more to learn too!
